The Paseo Taos show "2U'
Set up in a bank parking lot, several projectors and cameras immerse the audience in a visual performance of themselves
"PHOLARES" was a Currents New Media installation that was filmed at night in Utah, New Mexico, and Washington DC. The piece is projections on landscapes shot in realtime. It's amazing how well projections with newer camera technology can work together to bring reveal whole new abstract worlds
"Bike Party in VR", a VR Currents New Media Installation, where participants wore VR goggles and sat on stationairy bikes to experience Bike Parties in Baltimore, Washington DC, and Santa Fe, NM. This piece can be viewed either with VR goggles, or you can move the perspective around while viewing with either your finger or your mouse, depending on your device. Have Fun!
"Bike Party in VR" the show experience, with imagery of the installation, and interviews of peoples experiences of the performance
The piece "uWedge" was a live interactive perforance in which people an see themselves in a digitally manipulated live image
This is the current 2017 proposal for It was originally performed in the 2016 Currents New Media show, Santa Fe, NM
CURRENTS 2016, 2015, and 2014